Contact Details

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Dean (Agri),
College of Agriculture, UAS,
Gandhi Krishi Vignan Kendra,
Bellary Road,
Bangalore - 560 065.

+91-80-2333 0684
+91 80 23330153 Extn.285 (205)
+91-80-2363 6730
+91-94498 66910
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Scientific Officer,
College of Agriculture
+91-80-2333 0684
+91 80 23330153 Extn.285
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Assistant Comptroller,
College of Agriculture
+91-80-2333 0684
+91 80 23330153 Extn.295
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Assistant Administrative Officer,
College of Agriculture
+91-80-2333 0684
+91 80 23330153 Extn.357
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Assistant Registrar,
College of Agriculture
+91-80-2333 0684
+91 80 23330153 Extn.284
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UAS GKVK UG Hostel Chief Wardens
UG Girls Hostel :    Dr. Prashivamurthy +91 9886038788
UG Boys Hostel :   Dr. Mohan Raju +91-9480315140
PG Girls Hostel :    Dr. B.S. Lalitha +91-9632863100
PG Boys Hostel :   Dr. Ramesh +91-9480704010
International Students Hostel :   Dr. Banuprakash +91-9448666842