Farm Information Unit (FIU)
The Farm Information Unit (FIU) undertakes various activities in development and communication of farm information and its dissemination to farmers as well as field extension workers.
- Liaison with mass media.
- Publication of packages of practices and other technical literature.
- Organizing / participation in krishimelas and exhibitions within and outside the university campuses.
- Digitization of published information.
- Development audio-visual aids and video films / documentaries.
- Arranging press releases, press visits, press conference, special interviews etc.,
- Publication of packages of practices on field crops, sericulture etc.,
- Publication of folders, leaf lets, brochures, booklets and other literature.
- Participation in state, national and international level exhibitions to showcase the technologies of the university.
- Coordinating with Doordarshan and other channels & All India Radio in producing. Agricultural programmes like documentaries, live phone-in programmes, panel discussions, field coverage, interviews etc.,
- Prepare script for video films / documentaries and arrange for shooting, editing, dabbing and multiplication.
- Prepare the charts / posters / photographs and other visual aids.
Faculty Details of Farm information Unit, Directorate of Extension, University of Agricultural Sciences, Hebbal, Bangalore

Senior Information SpecialistThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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