2. Different sections of the Library
Kannada Section:
The Library has got separate section for literature in Kannada language. Where in different publishers books have been kept for the benefit of the readers.

a) Text Book Bank for ST Students:
The Library has separate Text Book Bank for ST students in our college. This bank issues the books to the needy students for a given semesters for reference & use.

b) Reference Section:
The Library has got separate Reference section, in the Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias, competitive exam books and some study materials have been placed. There are very useful to Staff and Students

c) UAS, Bangalore Publications:
The Library has got separate section for in University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore Publications.

d) Computer Laboratory:
At presently library facilitating 4 user Computers with free internet facility. For users to access internet, E-Resource, academic work and other databases.

e) News Papers and Magazines:
The Library has got separate News Papers and Magazines separate, these are print publications issued at regular intervals over a time. In general, the purpose of a newspaper is to convey, as efficiently as possible, current information, or "news", to a particular audience.

4. Library Services
a) Book Borrowing Facilities:
The students and staff are the members of the library. They can borrow different kinds of books for a specific period of time. The Students can barrow two book for a period of fifteen days and staff can barrow six books for a period of one month.

b) E-Resource
A Computer Lab with free internet facility has been established. All the Resource Centres of College of Sericulture offer access to a rich repository of electronic resources comprising e-books, e-journals, online databases and services, and intellectual assets produced by the students and faculty. They can also use links like Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA E-Journals and E-Books ), krishikosh.egranth.ac.in, AgriCat @ e-Granth, IndiaAgristat to Access Statistical Data shared by university library.

c) Reprographic Service:
Xerox / Photocopying service is made available in the Library at a nominal cost.

d) Windostat 9.2 Software:
Windostat is a statistics programme. Here we can get comprehensive data editing, data management, extensive statistical capabilities and graphics all in one affordable manner.
e) Library and Information Management With Koha software:
Library automation starts by adopting of library management software (KOHA Version) in the library. Library automation is the general term for information and communication technologies that are used to replace manual systems in the library. The key functions of the library, which may be automated through Koha software are acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, serials control, and reference service.

f) On-line Public Access Catalogues (OPAC):
College of Sericulture Library has created the database of Books, E-books, Journals, Theses, Reports and other sources of Information available in the Library. Users can access the OPAC through the Internet.

g) News Papers & Magazines
Regularly received Kannada, English News papers and magazines to Library for the benefit of the staff and students.

h) CCTV:
The Library has been equipped with CCTV for effective monitoring of each sections & movement of the users for security reasons

6. Library Staff details with Photos (Both Permanent & Contract)