ಹಾಸನ ಕೃಷಿ ಕಾಲೇಜಿನಲ್ಲಿ

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Look at http://uasbagrilibindia.org For all the essential Library Information to get you started
Librarian’s Message:
Education is an integral component of life. Good educational institutions have professional and considerate administrators and teachers, a broad and updated curriculum, an ongoing assessment system that supports excellence and a philosophy that says, Youth can be molded into patriotic citizens with integrity. In order to achieve this, the climate of the institution must be conducive to learning safe, clean and caring and well organized. It is my privilege to welcome you to this great temple of learning, ACH-Library. I introduce you to our resources and services, curricular activities, extra-curricular activities and the various functional sections of our college Library through this website.
Library Vision
To be dynamic, inclusive, competitive learning resource center of excellence in teaching, learning, research and community endeavors of ACH-Library.
Library Mission
To provide students, staff and other library users an access to extensive range of current and relevant quality information in support to the academic and research work of the college.
Library Goal
To deliver quality and in-time service to library clientele.
Library Objective
  • To understand the research, teaching and learning needs of its users.
  • To build collections and create tools to support research, teaching and learning.
  • To provide access to and promote the discovery and use of local and external information resources.
  • To ensure the preservation a long-lasting availability of library collections and resources.
Overview of the Facilities
The College Library is a gateway to a world of Information. The Staff and students have unlimited access to a wealth of Information found in resources like books, magazines, Journals, Hand Books, Annual reports and the Internet. The ACH- Library aims to providing access to its printed resources such as books, periodicals as well as e-resources for the use of faculty and students at the college campus.

1. About Library

The college library has more than 20,000 accessions pertaining to agriculture and various allied disciplines of agriculture, basic sciences and humanities, personality development and philosophy, literature (fiction and nonfiction of both English and Kannada languages) and books for all kinds of competitive examinations are also made available to the students. Along with these books, SC/ST book bank has been established. Further, there are separate sections for News papers and Magazines, JRF studies, Competitive Studies, New arrivals, Book issue, Reference etc. The library building has 24 hours power supply and runs solely on the Solar power.
About Library

2. Working Hours of Library

The Library is available for the use for all CoAH members. Regular working hours; The Library works from 8.30 am to 8.30 pm from Monday to Saturday on all working days

3. Different Sections of the Library

The office equipped with the Online Server with clientele mode which is installed with latest version of Koha Library Management Software to access the resources across the campus and from the remote places.
Different Sections of the Library
Personality Development Books Section
In this section resources collection are helpful for students and staff to take interest in the development and empowering them with competitiveness, entrepreneurial and decision making skills by providing an excellent academic environment, inculcating values of discipline, dignity, dedication and devotion, to make them better citizens. The faculty of the department are encouraged to attend refresher and orientation courses, workshops, seminars and conferences. Further the department organizes workshops, seminars every year Though all teachers are engaged in the academic counselling, all the faculty members in the department guide the students at the time of enrolment, for competitive examinations and placements. Students are also encouraged to take participation in sports and extracurricular activities.
Personality Development Books SectionBook Issues Section
ACH-Library, provides access to high quality print and electronic resources and offers best quality services. Circulation is a major service in the library that includes issue/return, renewal of books, shelving and shelf rectification of books. Circulation staff will help the new users in familiarizing the use of library such as making memberships, locating items in stack area, placing reservation, guidance to use the OPAC, authenticating library online account and other related issues.

Book Issues Section

JRF Studies Section

Technical Section

Newspapers and Periodicals Section

New Arrivals Section

Competitive Studies Section

Computer Laboratory
The library has automated all its services through ‘Koha LMS 9.8.0’. service gives search facilities for library resources. Automated circulation system has facilitated speed and efficient service at the circulation section.

Computer Laboratory

Library building runs on Solar Power

4. Library Services

Book Borrowing Facilities
Book Borrowing Facilities
Reference Services
ACH-Library provides personalized short range and long range reference services to its users with its vast collection of books.
Reference Services
Text Book Bank for SC/ST students
Book Bank facility is available for SC/ST Students and they may borrow two books in their name.
CCTV Footage Facility
Reference Services

5. Library Staff details (Both Permanent & Contract

T. Gowramma,
T. Gowramma,
Field Assistant
M. F. Nadaf
M. F. Nadaf
Laboratory Assistant
Venkatesh, K. T.
Venkatesh, K. T.
Junior Compositor
Keshavamurthy, K. P.
Keshavamurthy, K. P.
Laboratory Assistant (Contract Basis)
Kavitha, T. M.
Kavitha, T. M.
Typist (Contract Basis)
Daily Wages Worker
Daily Wages Worker

6. e-Resources Link