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Recruitment of Service Personnel posts for Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in UASB as per the Recruitment Notification Dated 23-02-2023 .

Syllabus for Written Examination as per the Notification Dated 23-02-2023 for Recruitment of KVK posts in UAS, Bangalore

Direct Recruitment of Assistant Posts in UAS, Bangalore

Direct Recruitment of Teaching Posts in UAS, Bangalore

Recruitment of Programme Assistant (Computer) (T-4 Series) and Service Personnel posts for Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in UASB.



Admissions 2022-23









56th Convocation | 56ನೇ ಘಟಿಕೋತ್ಸವ




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Welcome to UAS Bangalore

  • Student mobility for studies from the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore (UASB), India to the Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen(UGOE), Germany.

Welcome to UAS BangalorePlease visit this section for the latest updatesWelcome to all the UG First-Year Students admitted for 2021-22Circular on Special CL for Employees on Covid InfectionInformation for Newly Admitted Students of College of Agriculture, GKVKMessage from Dean Agri.Extension of time limit for paying admission fees for the PG under ICAR and MBA(ABM) candidates 2021-22 Diploma (Agri) Prospects 2012         PG NRI eligible and not eligible list for the year Diploma (Agri) Prospects 2012Tender Notification No. EO/TN/462/2021-22 Dated 5.1.22 (e-procurement only) Diploma (Agri) Prospects 201229.1.22 to 2.2.22 Weather Forecast | ಹವಾಮಾನ ಮುನ್ಸೂಚನೆ Info. for First-Year Admitted Students of College of Agriculture, GKVK for Online Orientation & Classes Diploma (Agri) Prospects 2012Omicron Circular 25.01.2022Provisionally admitted candidates list of UG-ICAR for the year 2021-22PG Courses for RegistrationProvisionally Selected Candidates for MBA (ABM) Degree Programme 2021-22UASB TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 2022Provisionally admitted PG ICAR quota students for the academic year 2021-22 Provisionally admitted Ph.D. ICAR quota students for the academic year 2021-22 Covid Omicron Guidelines 20.01.2022 PG Semester Calendar 2021-22 Instruction to Newly Admitted PG Students Commencement of classes information for the UG & PG admitted candidates for the academic year 2021-22  Tender Notification 13.1.22 EO/SPO/e-Proc/116/2021-22, dated;13-01-2022 Tender Notification 12.1.22 EO/SPO/e-Proc/115/2021-22, dated;12-01-2022 Certificate of Registration with DSIR for Duty ExemptionProvisional eligible and not eligible list of candidates for MBA(ABM) degree programme 2021-22GKMS- Agromet Advisory Services 12-16, Jan. 21Tender Notification 4.1.22Commencement of UG/PG offline Classes in all Farm Universities for 2021-22DPR templateNDC (3)RKVY -RAFTAAR GuidelineswebsiteUASB NEWSLETTER DEC. 21Promotion of T5 to T6 Series Post in UASBProformaCovid Guidelines Circular 5.1.22Festival AdvanceTender Notification No. SPO/e-Proc/113/2021-22 Dt. 23.12.2021Committee Sexual HarassmentUG ICAR candidates intimation for provisionally admitted and up-gradation for the 2021-22 admissionKSHEC Bulletin on Research grants and fellowship ಕೃಷಿ ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ 45_4 ಅಕ್ಟೋಬರ್ - ಡಿಸೆಂಬರ್ 2021 | Krishi Vignana 45(4) Oct.-Dec. 2021Intimation for provisionally selected and Updated candidates list for PG and Ph.D. admission under ICAR-2021-22GUIDELINES FOR PUBLISHING IN MJASTender Notification No. EO/458/2021-22, Dated 25.11.2021Tender Notification No. EO/460/2021-22, Dated 25.11.2021Tender Notification No. SPO/e-Proc/112/2021-22, dated;09-12-20212022 ರ ಸಾರ್ವತ್ರಿಕ ಮತ್ತು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿತ ರಜಾದಿನಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿ | List of General and Restricted Holidays for the year 2022Notification for the Ph.D. student exchange programme and CeMIS winter semester 2022 Short Course on Advances in Research Methods and their Application in SciencesWinter School on Agri startups and Entrepreneurship DevelopmentUAS Bangalore Secures 6th Position in ICAR Ranking of Agricultural Universities 2020  Schedule of Final (External) Examinations for I Year UG courses during II Semester of the Academic Year 2020-21Extension of Legal Advisor | ಕಾನೂನುಸಲಹೆಗಾರರಅವಧಿವಿಸ್ತರಣೆ Permission to Access Central Instrumentation FacilityRegister for ICFM-2022HRMS CircularCommon Admission (Lateral Entry) to UG Programmes (2021-22)Short Term Tender Notification 455 Dated 12.10.21PG AdmissionsTender Notification No. EO/TN/453/2021-22, Dated 23.09.2021University at a GlanceSchedule of Supplementary external examinations for II Year UG Courses during I Semester 2021-22Krishi Vignana 45(3)Tender Notification No. EO/TN/452/2021-22, Dated 23.09.2021International Conference on Finger Millet (ICFM-2022)UGAM: Roles and Responsibilities of Academic ProcessICTSGS-2021 Scheduled on 29 & 30 Nov. 2021UG Final Year Students Library Due ListT-Series NotificationStudent mobility for studies from the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore (UASB), India to the Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen(UGOE), Germany.UASB Ph.D. or Master



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