
Laboratory Equipments

Laboratory Equipments
The university has well equipped specialized laboratory / research units with sophisticated equipments to carry out both fundamental and applied research in the area of agricultural sciences. The UAS has a common instrumentation room, which is accessible to both faculty and postgraduate students. Each department has adequate equipments / instruments, to carryout research in the respective discipline. Sophisticated instrumentation facilities developed at the university have been the major strengths to carry out advanced research in several areas and provide options for postgraduate students to get adequate exposure in recent modern biology techniques. Some of the sophisticated equipments and specialized facilities available are presented in below

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Kjedahl Unit
Gas Chromatograhy Sophisticated Microscopes
Liquid Scintillation Counter UV Spectrometers
Portable Photosynthetic system Steady State Porometers
Psychrometer UV Cross Linkers
UV trans Illuminator Gel Documentation System
Neutron Probe Amino Acid Analyser
Ultracentrifuge Auto clams hybridization ovens
Deep Freezers Incubators
ELISA Readers CO2 Incubators

Equipment/Facilities Application
IRMS Stable isotope analysis
DNA sequencer DNA sequencing and genotyping
Phosphor imager Nucleic acid detection
Real time PCR machine Gene expression studies, GMO detection
Fluorescent Microscope with computational facility Photosynthesis, transpiration and respiration measurements under field condition
Atomic absorption spectrophotometer Nutrient analysis
Portable Photosynthesis Systems (IRGA) Compendium of UAS Circulars
Oxygen electrode Respiration measurements
Molecular biology and molecular marker laboratories with modern equipments Gene cloning and genotyping
Back-up generator facility for laboratories and transgenic containment facility Electricity back-up for all laboratories
Computer net working facilities for PG students For PG students to access scientific information
Plant tissue culture facilities For gene over expression studies/ propagation
Transgenic containment facilities Evaluation of transgenic plants
Field facilities with rain out shelters with irrigation facility Screening for germplasm lines for stress tolerance
Field lab drying facility For biomass drying, growth analysis
Green house facilities For raising crop plants under controlled conditions.

Specialized Facilities

Crop Museum Mulberry germplasm
Tissue Culture Laboratories Rain-out-shelter facilities
Molecular Biology Laboratories Cold room
Aromatic and Medicinal plants garden Mushroom production unit
Playhouse and growth chambers Biofertilizers production unit
Pedonarium Virology Laboratory
Crop Museum
A Central Museum is established at the old Agricultural College building of Hebbal Campus having carpet area of 1040 sq.mtrs. There is also a live museum attached to it in an extent of 2.00 ha. There is a Botanical Garden at GKVK campus spread over an area of about 25 ha. with a Herbarium and green house.
National Seed Project
The UAS has been operating seed technology research scheme sanctioned under National Seed Project –II since 1980-81. The scheme has well equipped field, laboratories, processing units etc., to conduct research in multidiscipline areas like entomology, pathology, post-harvest engineering and technology, agronomy and plant breeding etc. It has two processing units, one with 1 TPH at GKVK and another with 0.5 TPH at ARS, Kathalagere. These units undertake processing of breeder seeds produced at different seed farms up to grading, packing and labelling. The unit provides the entire infrastructure available for post-graduate research, besides exposing the undergraduate students to activities and training them. So far, more than 40 P.G. students have availed facilities from the scheme. The scheme has qualified technocrats to guide and train research students. The unit is also helpful to impart training to seed growers and other farmers.

Administration and Staff

Administrative Building
The Central Administrative Offices are located at Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra (GKVK) . The administrative block with a carpet area of 3659 sq.m. houses the offices of the Vice-Chancellor, Dean, Registrar, Comptroller, Administrative Officer, Director of Research, Director of Student Welfare and the Board Meeting Hall. The Main Administrative building has been provided with lifts, uninterrupted power supply, Computer Network system, Telephone, E-mail, Fax
Staff Residential Facilities
The university campuses have residential accommodation for teachers, scientists and farm labours on the campuses. On the whole the UAS provides accommodation to 430 employees. At the Hebbal campus there is a Colony Staff Club which is organizing activities like sports, cultural activities for the staff members and also running a school for the benefit of its members and UAS Employees from Nursery to 10th Standard for about 1000 students

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