Director of Education

Dr. S. V. Suresha
Director of Education
University Of Agricultural Sciences
GKVK Bangalore-560 065
University Of Agricultural Sciences
GKVK Bangalore-560 065
+91-80-2363 6826
+91-80-2333 0153 (Extn. 207)
+91-80-2333 0153 (Extn. 207)
+91-80-2333 0277
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In a tripartite system of functioning, integration of agricultural education, research and extension is very much essential to achieve excellence in Teaching, Research and Extension education. Training needs of the faculty to develop competence and qualified human resource in different branches of agriculture and allied fields is another area to be addressed. To strengthen and maintain quality in higher education, there is need to maintain minimum standards, Academic regulations, examination reforms, infrastructure development, faculty recruitment and movement, library network and publications, restructuring curriculum to acquire skill and to develop entrepreneurship and developing student amenity.
The University strives its best to integrate the above tripartite functions by ensuring excellent infrastructure facilities for teaching, developing most suitable technologies for the farmers of various regions through research and dissemination of the innovative technologies to the farmers through its extension net-work including Krishi Vignana Kendra (KVKs), Farmers Training Institute and the Staff Training Unit.