Communication Centre
Welcome to Communication Centre which is the Co-ordinating centre to serve the University Administration, Research, Teaching and Extension wings in respect of publications, photographic services and other printing works.In order to discharge the responsibility of publicity work, the Publication Council of the University was constituted on 20th June, 1966 with Dean as Chairman.The Communication Centre headed by Editor with the Dean as the honorary Director was established on 1st May, 1972 with the onus of publishing Journal, Newsletter, Magazine and other needed text deemed fit for publication in the University both in Kannada and English. The centre now functions directly under the administrative control of Director of Education.
Date of Establishment: 01.05.1972
Geographic Location: N 13°4’50’ E 77°34’43’
Objectives of the Centre
- To publish Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences and UAS Bangalore News periodically in English
- To publish Krishi Vignana, the quarterly scientific magazine in Kannada
- To publish UAS-B Annual Reports in Kannada & English, Budget book and UAS Bulletin
- To compile, edit and print UAS Telephone Directory, Invitations & Banners (of events), Certificates & Citations (for awarding of degrees & awards) and other needed documents deemed fit for publication in the University
- ‘The Mysjore Journal of Agricultural Sciences’, a quarterly Journal
- ‘Krishi Vignana’, a quarterly magazine in Kannada
- UAS-B Annual Report
- UAS Bangalore News
- UAS-B Act & Statutes
- University at a Glance
- Telephone Directory
- UAS Calendar
- Publications related to Convocation
Significant Achievements
- 1. Web based Management of MJAS
- MJAS is indexed in EBSCO, CAB International, Linked to J-Gate : e-CeRA and Indexed in Web of Science apart from a place in ‘Master Journal List’ of Web of Science Group
- MJAS is Listed in UGC Care List
Technical & Supporting Staff

Dr. K.H. Nagaraj
Editor& Professor of Agril. ExtensionThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+91-080 23622684
080 23330153 Extn-309

Dr. H.B. Raghu
Associate Editor&Associate Professor of Forestry & Environmental SciencesThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+91-080 23622684
080 23330153 Extn-308

Mrs. Umadevi, S.
Assistant This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
080 23330153 Extn-308

Shri Shankar, B
Attender080 23330153 Extn-309

Smt. Palaniyamma, K.
Messenger 080 23330153 Extn-309