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Shri. Thaawar Chand Gehlot
Hon'ble Governor of Karnataka
Hon'ble Governor of Karnataka

Shri. Siddaramaiah,
Hon'ble Chief Minister of Karnataka
Hon'ble Chief Minister of Karnataka

Shri. N. Cheluvaraya Swamy,
Hon'ble Minister for Agriculture
Hon'ble Minister for Agriculture

Welcome to the News and Events Updates of UAS Bangalore
- PG ICAR admitted candidates list 2024-25
- Commencement date for UG candidates 2024-25 on 14.10.2024
- UG NRI extended Notification & Application 2024-25
- UG ICAR 4th extended round notification 2024-25
- Circular for UG I year I sem candidates 2024-25 as on 04.10.2024
- Eligibility list for MBA(ABM) programme 2024-25
- Results of Assistant Professor posts (KK) (2024-25) in UAS, Bangalore.
- Postponement of start of first year UG programmes
- List of Eligible and Not eligible candidates for the process of Direct Recruitment of Teaching Posts (Associate Professor) at UASB
- Results of Assistant Professor posts (KK) (2024-25) in UAS, Bangalore.
- Postponement of start of first year UG programmes
- Notification for Recruitment of Officers posts in UASB
- Application Proforma for Deans & Registrar
- Application Proforma for Director of Education
- UAS Bangalore Diamond Jubilee Logo
- UAS Bangalore New Logo
- UAS Bangalore 59th Foundation Day 1.10.2024
- UG ICAR provisionally admitted 4th round candidates 2024-25
- Circular for Promotion of Teachers, Library and Physical Education faculty under 2016 package in UASB
- Annexure - 1,2 & 3
- Extension of UG I year I sem class commencement date for the academic year 2024-25
- Physical reporting of provisionally admitted candidates under ICAR UG admission 2024-25
- Provisionally admitted list of UG ICAR quota candidates for the academic year 2024-25
- Provisional list of M.Sc(Agri.) DBT-HRD notification 2024-25
- List of eligible candidates for M.Sc.(Agri.) in DBT-HRD programme 2024-25
- 2nd list of Diploma Agri. admission 2024-25
- Whatsapp Group of First Year UG Students admitted for the academic year 2024-25
- dd list of Diploma Agri. Admission 2024-25
- Krishimela-2024 - Exhibition Stall Booking Form
- Extension of UG NRI quota counselling 2024-25
- Revised seat matrix for PG DBT-HRD quota 2024-25
- Inviting application for UG internship programme 2024-25
- PG NRI quota notification and application for the academic year 2024-25
Key answers for the Wrrtten examination for Recruitment of Reaching posts (Kalyana Karnataka), dt: 08-09--2024
- MBA(ABM) admission notification for the academic year 2024-25
- Queries on Answer Keys of Written Examinations, dt: 08-09-2024
- Notification of ERASMUS + Mobility programme -reg
- Extending date for PG plant biotechnology DBT-HRD 2024-25
- DBT-HRD revised seat matrix 2024-25
- Revised notifiction of Two Years Diploma in Agriculture course for the academic year 2024-25.
- M.Sc.(Agri.) DBT-HRD quota admission notification and application form 2024-25
- UG NRI Notification & Application 2024-25
- Continent Ranking