Dean's Message
Dr. N.B.Prakash
Dean (Agri)
College of Agriculture
University of Agricultural Sciences
GKVK, Bengaluru-560 065

+91 080-23330153 Extn. 285 

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Hearty congratulations to all the fresher’s and welcome to this temple of farm education. The University has expanded its academic programmes to meet the requirements of human resources in the face of changing agriculture. A range of new technology oriented degree programmes in Agriculture, Marketing, Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural Engineering, Food Science, Sericulture, Master’s degree programme in 23 subjects and Ph.D. in 13 subjects have been initiated.
The University is imparting quality education since inception by focusing on making our students a good human being and successful professionals through strategic teaching in theoretical and practical aspects during the course of education. As a result, our students have been doing well and are getting top ranks (either 1st or 2nd) in securing maximum number of JRF Scholarships from ICAR. Congratulations to all the 28 students who have secured JRF Scholarships and 5 students secured GATE Examination during 2018-19 to pursue their Master’s degree.
The University gives great emphasis on dynamic curriculum and implemented the recommendations of the Fifth Deans’ Committee of ICAR with effect from the academic year 2016-17 with a total credit of 183 which is commonly prescribed for all the UG degree programmes across the Country. Further, for all round development of students, extra-curricular activities like NSS, physical education and yoga practices have been included as a part of syllabus. A new programme on student READY (Rural Entrepreneurship Awareness and Development Yojana) has been introduced along with Kannada language course from the academic year 2016-17.
To monitor the student’s performance, in all aspects, from the date of entry to graduation including printing of marks card and degree certificate, the University installed Under-graduate Academic Management (UGAM) software, which is first of its kind among the SAUs in the Country.
I hope all the students committed faculty and supporting staff will make use of quality infrastructure for great success in their career.