Department of Apiculture
Department Profile
The Department of Apiculture in UAS, Bangalore took its birth as a separate Department during December 1996. The department was provided with staff by redeploying technical staff from the Department of Entomology. The Department was created with the sole objective of strengthening the teaching, research and extension activities in Apiculture in the State. The Department also started postgraduate programme leading to M.Sc (Agri.) in Apiculture for the first time in India.
Research Facilities:
Apiaries: The Department is maintaining two apiaries one for the Indian bee, Apis cerana and another for the European bee, Apis mellifera for the purpose of practical training for the undergraduate and postgraduate students
Research Laboratory: Modest laboratory facility is being created for the bee pathology, physiology, toxicology, molecular biology, and bee breeding and allied works through fund generation from external and internal sources. Laboratories are under modernization programme with latest instruments required for post graduate research. The DST, Government of India has provided fund under FIST programme for lab up gradation. Several Ad -hoc schemes helped facility build up.
Instrumentation facilities available in the Department: PCR, Gel Documentation Unit, Electronic Balances for micro and macro weight measurements(5), Laminar Flow, Distillation Unit, Deep Freezer, Incubators(2), Refrigerators(2), UV Spectrophotometer, pH meter, Waterbath, Instrumental Insemination Unit, Steriozoom Microscopes of various makes and capacities(9), Muffle Furnace, Electrophoresis Unit, Gradient Thermal Cycler and many other minor instruments. All beekeeping equipments are available for research in sufficient numbers.
Computational facilities: PCR, The department has a computer lab with 6 computers provided with internet and printing facility for post- graduates.
Experimental plot: An experimental plot is maintained by the department for raising of the crops for various pollination studies
A course, Introduction to Beekeeping (1+1) has been developed by the department and taught to all the undergraduate students of B.Sc (Agri.), B.Sc(Hort.), B.Sc(Fort.), B.Sc (Seri.), and B.Sc (Ag.Maco) with practical training in handling of bees, bee appliances, bee products, bee castes, management practices etc. The special emphasis on role of honeybees in increasing the agriculture productivity is given in the course.
The staff is also involved in assisting the Final B.Sc. (Agri.) students on Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) programme at UAS every year. Field visits and advisory service on Apiculture are being regularly attended to by the staff of the Department.
The staff is also involved in assisting the Final B.Sc. (Agri.) students on Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) programme at UAS every year. Field visits and advisory service on Apiculture are being regularly attended to by the staff of the Department.
The PG Programme was initiated during the academic year 1997-98. The course curriculum was developed for the purpose and interdisciplinary courses were also included.
Courses on Bee morphology and anatomy, classification and systematic, biology of honeybees, bee physiology, bee ecology and behaviour, bee toxicology, beekeeping and its management, genetics and breeding of honeybees, botany of bee flora, honey and bee products, bee pollination and crop production, bee pests and diseases, Non Apis pollinators and Application of engineering principles in Apiculture etc. have been developed and taught
Post Graduate Research: The post graduate research covered with wide range of topics such as Pollination, Pathology, Management, Behaviour, Toxicology, Physiology, Non – Apis Bees, Nutrition etc.
Courses on Bee morphology and anatomy, classification and systematic, biology of honeybees, bee physiology, bee ecology and behaviour, bee toxicology, beekeeping and its management, genetics and breeding of honeybees, botany of bee flora, honey and bee products, bee pollination and crop production, bee pests and diseases, Non Apis pollinators and Application of engineering principles in Apiculture etc. have been developed and taught
Post Graduate Research: The post graduate research covered with wide range of topics such as Pollination, Pathology, Management, Behaviour, Toxicology, Physiology, Non – Apis Bees, Nutrition etc.
Dr. Mohan Eshwar Naik
Professor and Head of the Department
Professor and Head of the Department
Ph.D (Agricultural Entomology)
Professor and Head of the Department
Professor and Head of the Department
Ph.D (Agricultural Entomology)
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+91-80-23330153; Extension No. 289
+91 9448856892

Professor and Head of the Department
Ph.D (Agricultural Entomology)
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+91-80-23330153; Extension No. 289 +91 9448856892

Professor and University Head
Ph.D (Agricultural Entomology)
Specialization: Biological control, IPM, Pollination Ecology
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+91-80-23330153; Extension No. 289

Assistant Professor
MSc.(Agri.) Apiculture
Specialization: Bee pest and disease Management, Bee Biology and Bee toxicology
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+91-94483 66315

Assistant Professor
MSc.(Agri.) PhD
Specialization: Bee behaviour and Ecology
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