ಮಂಡ್ಯದ ಕೃಷಿ ಕಾಲೇಜಿನಲ್ಲಿ

Dr. N. Naganna
M.A., M.L.I.Sc., Ph.D
Assistant Librarian
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Look at http://uasbagrilibindia.org For all the essential Library Information to get you started
Library is a curated collection of differentsources of information selected by experts. It provides physical or digital material and may be a physical location or virtual space, or both. Library intends to provide infinite information to students and research scholars. Libraryruns various independent learning programmesthrough the integration of resourceful information and technologies. This promotes qualitative development among the readers in the process of reading. Then the students will naturally develop the aesthetic sense of reading meanwhile it enriches student’s emotional, intellectual, rational and linguistic growth.
  • To disseminate Farm science information resources to students, faculty and Scientists of the campus
  • To provide, accurate and current information to users for the purpose of education, teaching and research.
  • To provide information services in digital and printed resources to support the scholars and students of Agricultural college, Mandya
  • To facilitate the research learning, teaching and administrative activities of the university by providing appropriate literary informationin order to get benefit from the library.
  • To facilitate library services for individuals and group study in the appropriate and comfortable manner.
Working Hours
Library WorkingHoursBooks Borrowingtime
Monday to Friday 8.00 a.m To 10.00 p.m Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m To 8.00 p.m
Saturday 8.00 a.m To 4.00 p.m Saturday 8.30 a.m To 3.00 p.m
Sunday 9.00 a.m To 1.00 p.m Sunday 9.30 a.m To 12.30 p.m

Library remains closed on Government Holidays

The College of Agriculture is established in 1991.Thelibrary has began in Zonal agricultural research station V.C. Farm, Mandya and agricultural research station Nagamangala.Thesetwo information resources have merged with the college library in the academic year 2001 and 2002. The library buildingwas constructed in 2001 and it is extended for first floor in 2019.Eachfloor has 360 SQM space available for use. 126 peacock cushion chairs have accommodated for readers. The Library information resources are automated since 2004.
The college library has more than 22,000 accessions pertaining to farm Science and various allied disciplines of agriculture, basic sciences, humanities, personality development, Biographies (dignitaries and Scientists) philosophy, religion, literature (fiction and nonfiction of both English and Kannada languages)subject dictionaries, encyclopaedias, News paper clipping articles, previous years B,Sc.(Agri.) Question papers and all kinds of objective (Question Bank) books on individual subject of Farm Science for competitive examinations books are also made available to the students and staff. Along with these books, Book Bank for SC/ST students and General Textbook Bank for others have been established. NCERT textbooks are also made available in open accesssystem in the campus.
Sl. NoParticularsCollections
1. Books 18523
2. Book Bank (SC/ST) 1117
3. Reports 715
4. Pamphlets 98
5. Bound volumes 1025
6. Compact Discs 314
7. Thesis 239
  • General Text Book Bank
  • Book Bank (SC/ST)
  • Hon’ble Vice –chancellor Dr. S. Rajendraprasad’s Interaction with the readers
  • Reading Hall
  • Journals section
  • Back volumes section
  • Kannada and English Literature books
  • Kannada Farm science Books
  • Digital Information Centre
  • e-resource information centre and LIS class room
  • Theses Section
  • CCTV Surveillance
Mrs. Pavithra
Mrs. Pavithra
Shelf Assistant (Contract)
Mr. Chandrasekar
Mr. Raju
Messenger (Contract)
Mrs Shweta
Mrs. Shweta
Labourer daily wages

Additional information